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IdcN Collection Exhibition Series Vol.19
Posters from the 30s: Modern Life and Graphic Design

This serial theme-centered exhibit focuses on the posters of the 1930s and 40s that so affected the country, presenting both the appeal of the simple yet robust graphics and the historical background of the period, a time in which the country was fighting to rebuild after the Great Depression. Visitors enjoy the powerful messages and varied graphic expressions of the bright lifestyle depicted by these posters.


30's Posters SINGLAIR 30's Posters ワーク・ウィズ・ケア
Poster “SINCLAIR Motor Oil”
/Era: 1930s/Designer: Unkown (Left)
Poster “Work with Care”/Year: 1937 (Right)

30's Posters トレーニング・イン・アート 30's Posters ニューヨーク万博公式ポスター
Poster “Training in Art”
/Year: 1937/Designer: Blanche Anish (Left)
Poster “New York World’s Fair”/Year: 1939/Designer: Atherton (Right)

30's Posters リグリーズ
Poster “Wrigley’s”
/Year: 1937/Designer: Otis Shepard

Venue(s) Collection Gallery
4th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan


Date(s) Pt1: Fri., Nov. 22 2013 - Sun., May 18 2014
Pt2: Fri., May 23 2014 - Mon., Nov. 3 2014
11:00 - 20:00
Closed Tuesdays, the Year-end and New Year holidays, May 19-22, 2014(It may also be temporarily closed on other days.)
Admission Free

International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.

Related content(s) American Art Deco Collection (Collection Gallery)
IdcN Collection Exhibition Series (Outline of Major Projects)
Posters from the 30s: Modern Life and Graphic Design (Reports)

30s Posters 1: Graphic Design and Modern Life: exhibition venue

Tin Toy Car “Lincoln Zephyr Coupe”
Era: Latter 1930s
Designer: Unkown

(From top - left)
Gas Pump
Era: Latter 1930s - 1940s
Designer: Unkown
Manufacturer: Shell

New York Worlds Fair: Official Guide Book 1939
Year: 1939

New York Worlds Fair Souvenir: Compact
Era: Latter 1939
Designer: Unkown