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Silver Prize


Concept: Stones are being boiled in a pain in front of hungry children until they fall asleep.
It is a traditional way of getting children to sleep during the hunger season in Africa.
Every night millions of children go to bed hungry, without having a single full meal of the day.
The concept is based on real story of how people in Africa cope with hunger and a lack of food.
STONE SOUP could become a social project that could both draw attention to the problem and provide those who are willing with a real possibility to help make STONE SOUP to feed hungry children. STONE SOUP jars could be placed in children's food sections in supermarkets. Other places could show STONE SOUP posters. Everyone would be able to buy a postcard with the description of the project. The money, even if small, would go directly to STONE SOUP fund. After consulting UNICEF or WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME the money would be directed to places where children need it most.

Judge's Comments: For Africans suffering from starvation, eating is an immediate life-or-death issue. What the artist wants to offer here is an enlightening activity that prompts people to take action in solving this problem. The story selected by the designer for this work, "Stone Soup," is a highly astonishing and persuasive tale. But the poster and post card visual somewhat lack the power to adequately express this story.


Name of Applicant: Marija Mikulskiene

Year of Birth: 1972

Gender: Female

Nationality: Lithuania
@ Occupation: Freelancer designer, Publishing design lecturer in Vilnius Design College
@ Academic history: Bacherol's & MA (Magister Artium) degree in Graphic design, Design Department, Vilnius Art Academy
@ Collaborator: Sarunas Mikulskis,
Photographer CREEP (Tomas Vysniauskas, Vytautas Razma)

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