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Aichi Prefecture Design Driven Management Utilization Promotion Project FY 2021
Design Driven Management Workshop

“Design management” is attracting attention now. Design goes beyond the concept of color and shape and is used for product development and organizational reform. What is design anyway? Why does corporate management require design ability? You will learn at this workshop.

■Day 1
Date: Thu., October 14, 2021 13:30-16:30
Venue: Seminar Room 3
Seminar “Design Thinking and Design Driven Management: How to utilize in business”
Participants self-introduction
Introduction by the case-study company
Group work 1. Attractiveness of the company = Summary of observation results (Task submitting)
Day 2
Date: Thu., October 21, 2021 13:30-17:00
Venue: Seminar Room 3
Group work 2. Expansion of idea
Group work 3. Idea evaluation (Idea aggregation)
Group work 4. Concept extraction
Group work 5. Summarize concepts and ideas
Review and summary
Lecturer: Minoru Sugino, Design Producer, M1_Project

Targets: Executives of SMBs in Aichi pref. and those who want to learn design driven management practically
*Both days participation in principle
Capacity: About 15 people (1 to 3 people per company / First-come-first-served basis)
*The number of participants per company may be adjusted in case of beyond-capacity.
*Whether or not, the possibility of participation will be notified by email to all applicants.
*The theme of group work will be taken from the challenges that the participating companies actually face. You are welcome to contact the secretariat with any challenges to address.

*The content of the event may be changed or postponed depending on the infection status of COVID-19. If any changes occur, it will be announced on the Aichi prefectures official website.

Venue(s) Seminar Room 3
6th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan


Date(s) Thu., October 14 2021 13:30-16:30
Thu., October 21 2021 13:30-17:00
Admission Free

Aichi Prefecture

Co-organaizer(s). etc.

Operation and secretariat: International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.

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