House in Kunitachi

Ryotaro Furukawa

1998 Graduated from Waseda University in Architecture
2000 Master's Degree in City Planning
2000 - 2005 Japan System Planning (Architecture, Landscape design, Urban design)
2006 Established Ryotaro Furukawa Architects.

Mutual human relationship, human-environment, human-material relationships in contemporary urban environment, are considered in my architectural, landscape, and urban practice. Neglected diversity of lifestyles among family members and neighbors, fragmented streetscape and architectural design, diluted ties with plants and animals, regression of physical reality over virtual reality, and discarded spatial composition of inner/outer space are all disconnected relationships in need of revision to once again compose a synthetic whole. By renewing the frayed connections, delicate relations between human, object, and natural environment, which existed naturally in traditional Japanese village, housing, and garden, should be revived.

Major works:
House in Kunitachi(2006)
Housing for mother in her 60s and her son's family with their twin baby. Balancing independency and intimacy between the two inhabiting families and providing ties to the natural environment are the themes pursued through out every layer of designing, from large scale site planning to smallest of the detail.

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